Oncologist Jeffrey Long in his book God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience (2016) reports on research conducted by the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF).
The light penetrated me fully; I had never felt love like that before. Every cell in my body was full of love from the light, and I began to laugh and cry. I was crying for joy, because I knew I was delivered into God’s light, and I laughed at myself for doubting I ever would be. {GA, 84}
The light was God, and it infused everything. {GA, 85}
I became aware that I am the light also. We are all part of the light. Each soul is part of the whole, or God. {GA, 89}
Andy’s experience while drowning: I never imagined that I could be in such unbearable pain. I sink deeper as the beautiful June sunlight fades to blackness . . . I am instantly drawn toward the Light—I can feel its brightness, warmth, and love. As I get closer to it, I am absorbed by its brilliance and perfect love. Oh my God, I am the light! I look into the Light’s source and see a massive, human silhouette that is radiating with the brightness of thousands of suns. Even though I’ve never seen this form before, I recognize it and it speaks to me: “Andy, don’t be afraid. Andy, I love you, Andy, we love you.” Although I’m in the Light and the Light is in me, I’m still Andy. I’m everywhere and here at the same time. I’m a person but also infinite, warm, and loving Light. I’ve never heard the Light’s voice before, but it’s not unfamiliar. And the Light has a beautiful smile that I also recognize. We talk and laugh together. The Light has the answers to all the questions in the universe—and I don’t have any questions, because I know everything that the Light knows, which is to say, everything! The Light also knows everything that I’ve ever done and will do but loves me unconditionally. The Light loves me because I’m Andy—a piece of the Light. There is no fear, not judgment, punishment, blame, or shame. No ledger of good and bad deeds. Only warmth, peace, joy, happiness, forgiveness, and love in the Light. I’m one with the unconditionally loving Light. I’m home forever. And then I’m startled because the Light says, “Andy, you must go back. And I say, “No, I’m never going back.” But the Light says again, “Andy, you must go back.” {GA, 79-80}
Anna’s experience: The one word I’d use to describe the experience or journey would be “reality.” It was the most real thing that’s ever happened to me. The life I’d been living was an insignificant experiment that I’d volunteered for. The me, the I, wasn’t Anna, the woman who’d just given birth. I was a light being—“light” in every sense. I was made of the same light as the light that shone from the clear pool in front of me. The light sensed and felt everything, thought and understood everything; it knew I was finally back home! And I sensed “light” as in lightness—no gravity, no strings attached. I was so happy that I wouldn’t have to sleep or eat anymore, I would never feel tired again, no negativity, no anxieties. You just float lightly, dancing and singing with no audiovisuals. You’re just being—that’s what we’re for—to be! The light was God. {GA, 83-84}
Male or Female?
The most beautiful Being of White Light was there. I knew that he took on an image so that I could related to and feel comfortable with him, but his true essence was Light and Love. {GA, 64}
No words can describe my time with God and His perfect love. The type of love God exudes and is all about is beyond human comprehension. God, love, growing spiritually, serving in love, uniting in love are our goals. Our lives are only approximations of what we can achieve through God and His love. Our love is immature and “seen through a glass darkly.” The answer is in God’s light and love. {GA. 77-78}
I believed I saw God not as a female as I thought, but as a man. God was shaped more like an aurora borealis crystalline mist in the shape of a man. {GA, 87}
Imagine a three-dimensional ball of intense energy made up of golden white light. In the center of the ball was the figure of a person—I couldn’t tell whether it was male or female. Around the ball were smaller balls of energy traveling in different directions and made up on all different colors that circled the outside of the ball. But the form didn’t and doesn’t matter. The point is the energy that the form gave off. Once you have “experienced” that energy, form doesn’t matter. I knew who it was by recognizing and knowing the energy the form gives off. {GA, 87}
I was in front of this being, and I knew he was holy. I felt this was God appearing to me as I had always imagined him: an old man with a large beard. He had taken on this persona so that I wouldn’t be afraid. I felt safe. I have never felt so safe in my life. {GA, 86}
All That Is can be perceived simultaneously as a force and as a consciousness that exists within each individual consciousness and yet is separate from each consciousness or being. It might be called God, but the ideas of gods that we have are a pale and incomplete shadow of the All That Is that I perceived. We project an idea of a god or gods upon that infinite creative consciousness, which inevitably limits our understanding of the All That Is in ways that reflect the limited comprehension that we have of ourselves and the physical universe. {GA, 175}
God is indescribable, unimaginable, and not human. {GA, 87}
I didn’t see God with eyes, but God was everything and everywhere. There was no separation felt. {GA, 89}
Amy’s experience: During my NDE, “God” was the Mind, or the “Order” in all things. I felt “God” as the Supreme Highest Vibration and Frequency, which felt like more of an essence than an old man. It was all around me and in everything. And “God” no longer felt male to me—there was no gender. The idea of gender seemed silly because God was all that is beautiful and peaceful and One, and all that is Good. And everything did feel so good. In fact, I came back with a knowing that despite what seemed “good” or ”bad” before, now there was only “Good,” because I trusted and knew that everything was in its right place. Even when people made decisions that I didn’t agree with, I felt that it was still all “Good.” I also had this knowing that the essence or spark of the Highest is in everything—every mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. I knew that the Highest waited within everything to expand and create and grow and experience. I lost all desire to analyze everything in life, to judge everything as being either “good” or “bad.” I wasn’t concerned. We are all just consciousness experiencing life and learning how to love, create, and develop to the highest we can be. I now know to choose what feels right, and I do what I can to work toward harmony when something is unjust or unbalanced. The universe is full of Order, so it always finds a way to balance everything because it can’t exist without perfect balance. {GA, 179}
{GA} - Jeffrey Long, God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience (2016).