As a scientist, I was dedicated to the pursuit of truth though scientific means. Religion and God were not part of my beliefs. Imagine my surprise one day when a decorative leaded-glass window fell off a mantel onto my head, initiating a classic near-death experience (often referred to as a “NDE”). I had never heard about the near-death experience, let alone been someone to whom out of-the-ordinary or unexplainable things happened. I remember the oak-framed glass falling toward me and the crushing moment of impact.
Suddenly reality shifted, and I was no longer confined to my crumpled body collapsed on the floor. Instead, I was speeding down a long, dark tunnel, drawn to an incredible light in the distance. Without conscious control over the situation, a force outside myself stopped me at the entrance to the light. There, my mother and grandmother, long departed from this earth, greeted me. Overwhelmed with love and recognition, and amazed at their health and happiness, I was drawn past them over a threshold and into a whole other world.
No people or beings appeared. Rolling hills, the greenest grass, and colorful flowers glowed with light, seemingly from within each blade and petal. Colors appeared almost alive in their vividness. Utter clarity of image and hue surrounded me in all directions. Immersed in light and tranquility, I soaked up these dazzling images and feelings, content to dwell forever in that place. Then the experience changed.
I was shifted instantaneously to standing in front of a Great Light. The overwhelming love and peace I had felt before this moment was only a minuscule taste of what emanated from the Light. The form was somewhat taller than a person, with the shape of a person but without distinct features. Everything and nothing seemed to exist simultaneously in this luminosity. I felt utterly blissful, alert, and full of love and joy. If this was God who greeted me, there was no judgment issued. I was totally loved, surrounded by peace and safety, and healed of everything that had ever caused disease or discomfort. The ecstasy of the moment suspended and transcended all time and pace. It would later prove to be a bridge that I could access in order to return to this state of being at will.
There was no discussion about returning to Earth and no instructions were given. Just as suddenly as everything else had happened, I was thrust back into normal consciousness of the floor of my house—with a very sore head, a gash of fair proportions, and dried blood matted in my hair. Thus began my journey from my work as a scientist to my new calling as a Cell-Level Healer.
Joyce Whiteley Hawkes, Cell-Level Healing: The Bridge from Soul to Cell (Atria Paperback, 2006).