In 1963 I was hit by a car while riding my bike. My body flew 40 feet from the site of impact. I was left with an open compound fracture to my left Fibula and Tibia and a broken left knee. I do not remember the accident but I do remember watching myself being loaded into the ambulance. It was the old fashion kind, like a hearse-looking vehicle where the one back door opens all the way. My next thought was one of floating through white clouds. There was no sky, no ground, no trees and no animals.
I was floating toward an open gate where the light coming from beyond the gate was brighter than the sun but soft enough that you could look at it. I saw a long line of people 4 or 5 abreast going into the gate. As I approached the gate, I was greeted by my grandmother and what I knew to be her sister although we had never met. My grandmother told me to go back, it wasn't my time but I still approached her. After much meditation on the experience as to whether there were arms and legs, I remembered, my grandmother's sister raised her arm out of the mist and pointed and said 'look'. As I turned and looked, I saw an ambulance going down the road about to go under an over pass. As I turned back to my grandmother, I opened my eyes and I was back in the ambulance and we were going under that over pass.
The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. I had a cast on my left leg from my toes to my hip. The first thing I said to my mother who was rubbing my temples when I woke up was, 'I saw grandma', SSSHHHHH she said, we will talk about that later. Well later never came and my young mind soon forgot about it. Over the years, I have wondered if it was even real. I wish my mom would have talked to me about it. But even more than that, I wish that I was able to go through the gate to see the other side. Are there trees and animals in heaven? I do not know but I do know that I experienced something beyond this life. Although the thoughts are very vivid, my mind still has trouble accepting the fact that it happened., #9227