Friday, September 17, 2021

NDE review of this life and past lives

After a craniotomy, my body clinically hovered between life and death for two days, and my spirit left it at that time. I looked down at my body, and although it wasn't a pretty sight I was not concerned. I perceived it to be a vehicle, which carried me through the Earth school. I was in a place of love, kindness, compassion, contentment, acceptance and joy - a place of 'knowing'. I perceived myself and other beings as masses of energy, all connected and yet separate. There were no body forms or communication, as I know it in human form. There was simply a sense of all knowing. 

Each and every spirit being was supportive of each other, and I 'knew' them, although they didn't have the same forms as when I knew them on the Earth school. There were no limitations such as space or time in the spirit world. I was aware of the big picture regarding the past, present and future. I was aware that the Earth school experience was one part of my evolution. There was a review of my life in this body, and also my past lives. I was the judge as to the benefit and value of each experience. They all seemed very interconnected, and yet separate. There was a focus to each life experience, and all the experiences contributed to an end result. I didn't want to come back to the Earth school, and after some deliberation with the other beings of energy, including the God being, or large mass of energy, we decided that coming back would serve the greater good. 

I had a choice, and yet the choice seemed to be made in unity with the other beings. I also knew that if I didn't come back at this time, in this body, I would return to the Earth school in another body, to finish what I was here to do. Before the experience, I didn't believe or disbelieve in reincarnation. Now I am sure that I have had many reincarnations. When I came back into my body, I was content. It felt like my spirit was cuddling back into a warm comfortable place. At that time, my body clinically stabilized. First, I was not expected to live. When I did live my family and I were told that I would never function 'normally' again.

I don't function 'normally' according to conventional wisdom! I have lived life as an observant adventurer, and although I have always been on a path of discovery, the out of body experience intensified and reinforced all of my beliefs prior to the experience. It opened up more channels in the heart and mind, as with a radio. If we leave it on the same channel all the time, we will probably hear the same type of music, and the same slant on newscasts all the time. If we change the channel occasionally, we may hear something different. #3637

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Gödel's reasons for an afterlife

Alexander T. Englert, “We'll meet again,” Aeon , Jan 2, 2024,