Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Seeing unknown dead person: Long excerpt #12

Radiation oncologist Jeremy Long writes in his article,
"Evidence for Survival of Consciousness in Near-Death Experiences: Decades of Science and New Insights"
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NDERF has received many near-death experience accounts describing encounters with people who, unbeknownst to the NDErs, had died before their NDEs. This is illustrated in an NDE from Sandy, who was five years old when she nearly died of encephalitis:

Another smaller beautiful light joined us. The light was a girl about ten years old that looked somewhat like me. She recognized me. We hugged, and she said, 'I am your sister. I was named after our grandmother, Willamette, who died one month before I was born. Our parents called me Willie for short. They were waiting to tell you about me later when our parents felt that you were ready." We talked without words. It seemed strange looking back on it, but it was natural at the time. As she kissed me on the head, I felt her warmth and love. She said, "You need to go back now, Sandy.' I was shocked as my next-door neighbor and dear friend, Glen, formed and shouted, 'Sandy, go home, go home now.' He said it with such authority that I quit crying and was back in my body instantly.

Later, a day after I went into the hospital, I was told that our neighbor, Glen, had died from a sudden heart attack. I drew a picture of my 'angel sister' who greeted me and described all she said. My parents were shocked and had a horrified look. They got up and left the room. After a while, they returned. They confirmed that they lost a daughter named Willie. Willie died of accidental poisoning about one year before I was born. They had decided not to tell my brother or me until we better understood what life and death were about.

"This remarkable near-death experience involved encountering a family friend that she was not aware had died and meeting her sister who died before Sandy was born. NDErs that encounter deceased siblings during their NDEs that they never knew existed are substantial evidence for the reality of NDE. These types of NDEs also provide vital evidence that NDEs really are providing awareness of an afterlife."

Jeffrey Long, MD, "Evidence for Survival of Consciousness in Near-Death Experiences: Decades of Science and New Insights." In the next several posts I will share excerpts from Long's 2021 article. Footnotes have been deleted. The complete text is available as a pdf at


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Gödel's reasons for an afterlife

Alexander T. Englert, “We'll meet again,” Aeon , Jan 2, 2024,