Pagels writes in Why Religion? “Whoever wrote the poem called Thunder, Complete Mind apparently drew on that opening line of Genesis, as well as on the poem in Proverbs, as did another anonymous writer whose poem was found at Nag Hammadi, who also gave a feminine voice to the primordial, life-giving energy that brings forth all things:
I am the thought that lives in the light.
I live in everyone, and I delve into them all . . .
I move in every creature. . . .
I am the invisible one in all beings . . .
I am a voice speaking softly . . .
I am the real voice . . . the voice from the invisible thought . . .
It is a mystery . . . I cry out in everyone . . .
I hid myself in everyone, and revealed myself within them, and every mind seeking me longs for me . . .
I am she who gradually brought forth everything . . .
I am the image of the invisible spirit . . .
The mother, the light . . . the virgin . . . the womb, and the voice . . .
I put breath within all beings.
Pagels, Elaine. Why Religion? (p. 199). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
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