Dr. Rajiv Parti writes: “The past life dissolved around me, and I was back in the tunnel again. Ahead was a bright Light and next to me, once again, was my father. He led me down the tunnel toward the Light, and we looked at it together, its intensity oddly soothing. My father let go of my hand, and I kept moving forward. As I did so, two angelic forms emerged into the tunnel. They exuded a powerful vigor—a charisma and energy that made them seem magnetic. I approached them with awe and they hovered above me and smiled with joy and confidence. Telepathically they introduced themselves as Michael and Raphael, archangels of the Bible.
“Because I had studied the Bible, I was not afraid of these angels. What I could tell from this encounter, however, was that they were powerful spiritual beings and unmistakably angels. It was only with later research I learned that Saint Michael is the protector of people and the angel who opens doors and Saint Raphael is the angel of healers.
“The Light was still far away, and as we approached it, we went higher and then into a meadow that was green like emerald stones and peppered with rosebushes, the blooms as red as wine. The sweet smell of grass and roses made me almost delirious with pleasure. A crystal-clear stream of water cut through the meadow, and the air off the distant mountains was blowing gently. Around me in the sky was the deep and gentle sound of ‘om,’ as though it were being chanted by nature itself.
“I closed my eyes and went with my senses, now fully engaged. I was in a state of Shanti, pure peace, bliss, and love. The angels laughed at me. Some people who come here are so thrilled they would leave their body if they weren’t out of it already, communicated Michael. They feel something they have never felt before and find something inside they didn’t know exists, communicated Raphael. It takes them to a new place in themselves.
“I must have appeared nervous at being in this formless, nameless environment because Michael put his hand on my shoulder as a means of comfort and communicated. The higher you go up in the spiritual realms, the more formless it becomes.
Raphael touched my other shoulder, communicating further information. That’s right. You become surrounded by a powerful entity of energy, of pure love and intelligence, and this pure love is the base reality, the underlying fabric, of everything in the universe. It is the source of all creation, the creative force of the universe.
Yes, communicated Michael, this pure love is the source of all that makes the universe. It is contained in everything imaginable yet somehow ignored by so many. Enlightenment comes when a person realizes that love is everywhere and is the only thing that matters.
“Ahead was a silver-blue form that showed no sign of being male or female. This form was large and exuded a familiarity; perhaps it was a member of my family whom I deeply loved. I knew the Being of Light very well, yet at the same time it was new to me. Still, when it took me into its space and engulfed me with its blue Light, I was wrapped in its total knowledge.
“There was a lot to absorb, a lot to think about. But the Being of Light left me no time to do either. It began gently whispering in my ear. And as the words started, pure love—I don’t know what else to call it—pervaded everything, as if my five earthly senses were soaked in omniscient, all-powerful love. The more I became wrapped up with the Being of Light, the more distinct became the chant of ‘om.’ I was at once communicating with and in the Being of Light. I am one with the universe, I thought.
Everything will be all right for you, said the Being of Light, telling me that soon I would return to my earthly life. But there would be a change, said the Being. Now you will become a healer of the soul.
First came the cancer, said the Being, and along with that came increasing depression, often caused by an overwhelming fear of disability and death. Chronic pain followed the cancer surgery, and with it the disability and exhaustion that come from jolts of pain when one moves in the wrong way or from the nagging aches that keep one from ever being totally comfortable or sleeping soundly.
You have experienced these, said the Being. These are diseases that tax the soul. Since you know them well, you will show other people how to fight these diseases spiritually.
“In order to do this, the Being of Light revealed my new path. I would no longer be an anesthesiologist. Instead I would become a practitioner of spiritual medicine, a practitioner of consciousness-based healing. Instead of putting people to sleep, I would now focus on waking them up.
“Suddenly, I was in a clinic, one with no walls and bright natural light streaming through the windows. On the floor in various poses were patients performing yoga, and in another part of the clinic were a few rows of people sitting in cross-legged meditation poses, each looking blissful as he or she concentrated on gaining spiritual information from the universe.
This is consciousness-based healing, said the Being of Light. This is what you must learn and teach. This is your new life. You have been humbled by pain, so you have the knowledge. Finding the knowledge inside you is the best way to learn.
“I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude for this love that surrounded me. In retrospect, I think the Being of Light might have been Jesus, but I have no way of truly knowing. I do know that it was a cosmic consciousness of some kind, one that grants us understanding and institutes positive human change. I felt revived, reborn, a man with new plan, a man with a mission! I was going to change the world and my relationship to everything in it!
Rajiv Parti, Dying to Wake Up: A Doctor’s Voyage into the Afterlife and the Wisdom He Brought Back (Atria Books, 2016).