Laura Lynne Jackson, a medium certified by the Windbridge Research Institute, writes in her recent book entitled Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe: "When I read for people, I move myself to a quiet place and consciously shift my energy into a state of total receptivity. I call it opening myself to the Other Side. In a way, I empty myself out. I stop being Laura Lynne, so that I can be a better messenger for our Teams of Light. Everything that comes through me originates on the Other Side; I am simply the vessel.
"Getting myself into this state was not easy. Growing up, I didn't understand the nudges I'd get from the Other Side; in fact, I was scared of them. I didn't want to know anything about people, alive or dead, that I shouldn't have had any way of knowing. It took me a long time to understand and accept my gift, and even more time to learn how to use it. Eventually, I got to the point where I could control the flow of information from the Other Side, so that I wasn't swarmed by it twenty-four hours a day.
"As I trusted more and developed more, I began to learn the secret language of the universe. I came to understand that this language is available to us all. And I've come to understand that it is part of my journey to awaken others to this possibility. What follows are a few guidelines to help you co-create your own special language with your wonderful Teams of Light on the Other Side.
"I recommend that you begin this process by giving yourself ten minutes of quiet time. I'm talking about real quiet. Meditative quiet. Start by finding a quiet place to sit. If you can set aside these precious quiet minutes every day and stick to it, you will begin to learn how to shift your energy and enter into a different state of consciousness by virtue of your intention.
"In your quiet place, close your eyes. Take long, deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth. Pay attention to your breath. Inhale, exhale. Gently push away stray thoughts. Do this for a minute, then another minute. Do it until you lose your sense of time. Stay in this peaceful, quiet place. Don't do anything other than savoring the stillness.
"Step two is asking for a sign that you want. It's really that simple. You can ask for a sign out loud or just in your head. You can make it a longer conversation between you and a loved one, or you can simply say, 'Send me a green monkey.' You don't want to ask for something that is truly absurd and next to impossible. You do want to ask for something that is unique and even challenging.
"Then allow for some time to see your sign. Quite often, people will receive the signs they ask for within three days, but they may come in just one day, or a week later. Don't expect to see it instantly. The Other Side is truly amazing, but even our Teams of Light can't make something materialize before our eyes (or at least I don't think they can.)
"You could ask your grandmother to send you a pink heart with the word LOVE on it. And your grandpa to send a blue hippo. You could ask your spirit guides to send you the number 555. It's all up to you to create the language you will share with them. And the more signs you create and establish, the more fluid the language will become.
"Not long ago, my mother asked my father, who'd recently crossed, to send her a sign. She asked for a purple elephant. She told me that within one day of asking she got her sign in the form of a huge, purple blow-up elephant lawn decoration on a neighbor's front lawn!
"A week later, my sister Christine came in from New Jersey. We had a difficult task to complete. We were going to the cemetery and then we were going to order a headstone. My mother drove us to the cemetery. Afterward, we went to get lunch in a nearby town. Later, we had to go back to the cemetery and retraced our route. I looked out the window and saw a huge sign about a new restaurant that I hadn't noticed before: The Purple Elephant. There was an actual purple elephant with its trunk turned up to the sky in front of the restaurant. My father had truly outdone himself."
Laura Lynne Jackson, Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe (The Dial Press, 2020).