Sunday, October 17, 2021

"I was truly one with all of creation."

I remember going into the operating room and then I felt myself swimming upward in something that was heavier than air but lighter than water. I was met by a magnificent female-type being that scooped me up in her arms as though I were an infant.

She took me, placed me in a crystal-like bed, and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings queuing up to greet me. I spied Jesus amongst them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being that brought me, 'How is it that Jesus wants to honor me?' I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. She laughed and told me there is no hell! We are all equal in spirit form. She then said that I was still veiled and made a gesture that must have taken off the veil because I immediately went to a place I now call the sea of light. As I stretched out my arms I felt as though my body exploded and I was no longer in bodily form. I could not see any separation. I had no beginning or end. I was truly one with all of creation and I could only see myself as a purple and gold light amongst all the other.

The being that brought me told me it was time to go back. I cried and begged her to let me stay, but she told me I had unfinished business. She took me in her hands and somehow I was compressed into a golden egg and when I saw my physical body, she placed the egg on my chest and it sank into my body.

I heard someone say something about me breathing and the next thing I remember is my family visiting me in my room in the hospital.

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes The brightness was not just seen with my physical eyes I could feel it. The light penetrated my whole being.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm I saw the radiant sea of light we call God and I swam in it as one with God.

What was your religion prior to your experience? Christian- Protestant Attended Catholic school in Holland went to Protestant services on Sundays. Moved to US in 1962 attended several churches, including Science of Mind now called creative living centers. My parents believed in the supernatural and I was born with a cord around my neck. From the time I could talk I spoke of seeing deceased relatives and sometimes predict future events. I believed in heaven and hell, the devil and all that nonsense. I know now there is no hell, and God is not a super sized parent but unconditional love. I have seen God and it is a part of me I am not a separate entity. We are all connected and we are all part of that loving spirit we call God. #7291

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Gödel's reasons for an afterlife

Alexander T. Englert, “We'll meet again,” Aeon , Jan 2, 2024,