I had been ill with chest pain, fever, headache, night sweats for about a week, but had not missed work, and I was on-call. I finished rounds and went to the Urgent Care clinic. The chest x-ray showed suspicious nodule in my lungs. A CT scan of my chest resulted in my being flown to a cardio-vascular intensive care unit after being diagnosed with a dissecting aortic aneurysm. After arrival at the tertiary care center, a regular echocardiogram did not support the diagnosis of an aortic aneurysm.
Friday, July 2, 2021
"Communication was non-verbal and instantious."
The CT also showed
hilar lymph nodes and a peripheral pulmonary nodule, but this was not
the primary concern at the time. [Editor’s Notes: Hilar lymph nodes are
located in the region of the junction of each lung and its bronchi.
Peripheral pulmonary nodule is a common disease of the lung, which can
be benign or malignant.]
NDERF.org, # 7054
Thursday, July 1, 2021
"I recall hearing gently softly-spoken words."
I cannot recall getting sick with pneumonia, the 911 response, emergency room visit, seven days in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at a major University, nor nine days of that time not being in the 'physical world'.
The 'journey' seemed to last
for days, but perhaps it was only minutes or hours. I found myself going
through a tunnel, almost floating or swimming through this tunnel. I
found myself in a dark space, yet there were bright primary colors
seeming to form letters that I cannot recall. This space felt 'hard,'
like work. I felt tired. It seemed chaotic and loud. The space was
unpleasant and I remember disliking it. I then slipped through what
seemed like the same tunnel and I arrived in a tunnel-like space with a
soft white and somewhat golden or shimmering light. As I was moved
toward the light, I was not aware of my physical body. I recall a
tremendous feeling of peace, calm, quiet, beauty, and a simply 'letting
go' of 'tension' for lack of a better word. I remember thinking that I
preferred this space over the chaotic space. I was happy. I was moving,
without any effort on my part, toward the soft glow. I continued feeling
the most incredible peace, accompanied by a gentleness and softness. I
recall feeling eager to reach the light. yet did not feel rushed. I was
getting closer.
I then noticed a very soft, yet worn-looking,
flow and fold of a light blue and gold robe. I could only see the legs
of the person wearing the robe. I knew He was God. I wanted to see His
face as I moved closer, but I did not. During my travel toward the
light, I recall hearing gently softly-spoken words. I somehow knew that
I needed to remember the words. I recall feeling slight frustration
that I was having difficulty remembering the words, but after a while, I
had 'memorized' them and recall feeling relieved. The words I was told
to memorize were: 'Seek not to understand so that you may believe, but
seek to believe so that you may understand.' I then felt myself being
pulled back and away from the light. I did not want to go and recall
feeling sad. I tried to fight being pulling back. Yet, I continued
moving backward.
I somehow found myself turned away from the
light and knew that I had to quickly take one last look back; it felt so
important, and I knew there was not much time. I quickly turned my head
over my shoulder and saw the soft glow and flowing 'robe' one last
time. And there, walking into the light was my beloved soulmate; my
precious little teacup poodle Coco. He had passed about a year before
this experience, and I have missed him terribly. I only saw his back end
as he entered the soft light. I remember smiling to myself, feeling
tremendous relief that I saw him and that he was o.k.
I was and
am still happy that I remembered the words, yet I am confused. I did
some research later and learned that these words were from the poet
Pablo. I had NEVER heard these words NOR did I know anything about
Pablo. Truly. I have gone over and over in my mind to try to remember
hearing these words prior to this experience, but I believe they were
new to me. Yet, as I think about it now, I was learning about so many
different faiths before this experience, trying to understand, and
trying to believe. The words simply told me to BELIEVE. I find that
I heard another message when I was close to the soft
light, 'There is something important you must do.' It seems I heard this
over and over. I have no idea what the 'important' thing is at present
but am trying to BELIEVE that it will be shown to me. I feel
transformed. Things just don't seem to be that important here on Earth.
I'm calmer. I'm not trying to 'figure it all out'. I'm just taking one
day at a time. I miss that 'oh so comforting' peace I felt on my
journey; and, frankly, I am sad about being pulled back. However, I now
believe there is a place to which I'll return one day, and that brings a
smile to my face.
NDERF.org, #7839
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
LOVE is the POWER of the universe
My near-death experience was actually two experiences in 1965. The second followed the first by perhaps 3 months.
The first was caused by falling several meters headfirst down a cliff
and landing on sandstone rock. A small tree I was levering myself up on
came away in my hands. I found myself traveling rapidly upwards into the
sky. I had an immensely joyous feeling of lightness. I remember looking
back at my crumpled body on the rock below and observing that ‘I’ was
not my body. I could see everything below me very clearly. Below was
the Hawkesbury River, with the beautiful bush surrounding it. I was
heading towards some very beautiful cumulus shaped clouds. I had no
fear, only joy. I looked back again and saw my boyfriend, who I was very
much in love with, standing beside my body. In real time, this would
have been several minutes after I fell, as he was quite a ways behind me
and it would have taken some time to get down the steep cliff. I was a
long way away by now and still traveling upwards, but I could feel
exactly what he was feeling. He was very distressed. My heart filled
with compassion for him, which I guess was what brought me back.
I am joining these two experiences together as I have always believed
they are related. My (same) boyfriend and I were visiting a friend’s New
Year's Eve party. The party was in the main room of a small house, and
was packed with people. It was before midnight. I remember feeling
vaguely discontent, as if I wasn't where I really wanted to be. I was
standing about one meter from the only door into the room, looking
across the room at my boyfriend. Suddenly I was no longer in this room,
but facing an enormously tall angel. Surrounding both of us was radiant
light. I knew this angel, and he knew me. I felt no fear, only joy and
immense happiness. We communicated non-verbally. The angel was
'reminding' me of the power of LOVE that was actually THE power of the
universe. It seemed that I already knew this, but 'he' was just
reminding me. We communicated for what I would have estimated to be
about 20 minutes, then with no warning I was abruptly back on earth, in
the same place I had been standing when the experience first happened.
The astonishing thing was that it was obviously hours later as there was
no one in the room other than a sleeping body crashed on the couch. My
boyfriend was not there, and when I eventually found him by calling out
through the darkened house, he had been asleep upstairs as he had
searched everywhere and not been able to find me. I had been physically
removed during this experience.
The effect of these experiences
on my life was profound. Overnight, I had become intensely empathetic. I
could feel any pain or suffering and sense of isolation of people
passing me in the street. I had an overwhelming sense of needing to DO
something: my search for what this something is, has dominated the rest
of my entire life. The sense of the reality of these experiences has far
eclipsed anything else in my life. By this, I mean everything in
comparison has been far less real. I could not use the words 'God' or
'Love' for many years as the reality of these words are so much greater
than our 'normal' usage.
NDERF.org, #7446
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Conversation during his near-death experience
I must have been three or four years old when I underwent an eye surgery to correct the vision in one of my eyes. Before the surgery, I met with a priest who prayed with me because I was frightened of the surgery. During the surgery I underwent anesthesia and all was well until I felt my chest hurting. I thought to myself, 'Won’t the pain end? Won’t someone please help me? God, help me, when will this end?'
I was then suddenly rocketed out of my body and I could see myself on the surgery table. The doctors were all scrambling and I thought to myself, 'Why are they acting like that? I feel great.' I was then pulled upwards from my body. I thought, 'Well I guess this is it, good-bye body.' I was then taken into a tunnel by an individual made of light. I had seen the individual before the anesthesia was given to me. When I first saw this being, I thought, 'Who are you?' No answer came at that time. Nor did an answer come while I was led through the tube of light. Then, I was inside a void with the mysterious being. I asked this being, 'Who are you?' And the being said, 'Who do you want me to be?' The being then took on my mother’s voice and said, 'I can use this voice if it makes you comfortable.' When I declined, the being switched voices again and talked in my deceased grandfather’s voice.
I felt more at ease then. I was given a life review while inside the void. During this review, I told the being to pause. I wanted to better examine the parts of my life. I was then able to view these events from overhead. The life review did not last long because I asked the being something that surprised it. 'Can I plan my next reincarnation?' I asked. The being said, 'Usually people wait until their actual death to choose their reincarnation.'
I was persistent, because I already knew where I wanted to go: Japan. I was then taken to Japan via an overhead view. The being and I looked at various cities until we reached Numero in Hokkaido. I told the being that I wanted to be reincarnated here. Then, I was given a temporary glimpse into my next life. All I remember about this part was that I was Male and was wearing a dark colored coat that was accented by stylish autumn scarf while I stood in front of the train station. Then, I returned to the void.
I was suddenly dragged back into my body as the doctors restarted my heart. The revival soon failed and I was pushed back into the void. I was back with the being. The being asked me multiple questions during the reincarnation conversation and will allow me to be autistic during my next life as well. Near the end of the conversation I asked, 'Wait, can I see my grandfather?' And the being said, 'Not yet.' For the sake of my mother, I returned permanently to my body.
After the surgery I thought to myself, 'I saw an angel!' But did not speak about it to my parents. I strongly believe that I will be reincarnated in Hokkaido during my next life. I believe our souls get some choice during the death process.
Some additional things about the experience:
I was informed that I would develop mental illness during my twenties. So far this has been correct. I am typing this out during my most logical moments because I fully believe that this event will occur and that I will be reincarnated after I die.
NDERF.org #9193
Monday, June 28, 2021
Iranian's near-death experience
I was not feeling well and I wasn’t paying
attention to my driving. I reached an intersection and looked to both
sides of the street without much care. I did not see any cars coming,
so I continued along my way. Suddenly, I heard a loud car horn followed
by a loud crashing sound. At that moment, I found myself floating in a
dark space. I was outside my body, floating in the air and just looking
I saw a body lying in the middle of the street next to a
car. I was looking at it from several feet away. It took me a little
while to recognize that it was my own body that I am looking at. I had
no feelings for it; I was just an indifferent observer. I thought to
myself that I must have died, but I was not sad at all. I didn't know
where I was supposed to go from there. My thoughts and mind were the
same as when I was in of my physical life, but I could not imagine the
earthly thoughts.
After a short while, I gave up the worry of
where I need to go from here, because I was enjoying the peace and
silence. I was immersed in that moment. I was just watching from several
feet up in the air as people were rushing towards my body from every
direction. I couldn't hear their voices clearly, yet I was able to
comprehend what they were saying. When I looked at these people, I knew
their thoughts and what they were going to say.
Since there was a
hospital on the same street where the accident occurred, it didn't take
long for the ambulance to arrive. The medics put my body on a stretcher
and transferred me to the ambulance. The driver turned on the sirens
and sped towards the hospital. In the ambulance, the emergency medical
team injected something into my body but it was no use. My body did not
respond. Although I was detached from my body, I still felt like I was
also somehow inside of my body too. Nevertheless, I was not feeling
discomfort or pain. At the same time, I was feeling that I was going
higher and higher each second.
I was floating like on a wave and
felt so light. At the beginning and end of the accident, everything
was moving so fast. When I exited my body, it was in another form, that
was transparent and non-physical, yet it was similar to a human form.
Although I saw the new form, I wasn’t giving it any thought. I was
feeling pleasantly warm, could not smell or taste and did not have any
bodily physical senses. I could not feel physical things, but my
eyesight was greatly enhanced. I felt like I had turned into energy.
was flying and entered into a gray-colored environment. I tried to
reach a gray and dusty light that was moving in front of me. As I got
closer to this light, it became brighter. The light looked like a vapor
or smoke that is lit up under a street light. It was formless and had
colors of blue, orange, yellow, and gold. I didn't know what it was. The
light didn't bother my eyes and wasn’t blinding. I was pulled towards
the light with great force. The closer I got to it, the more joy and
peace I felt. After a while, I noticed Beings similar to me but they
were more brilliantly colored and were moving slower than me. Then I was
surrounded by my deceased relatives. I was feeling so much joy and
lightness from seeing them. I felt they were there to help me. Their
body was transparent and luminous. It never occurred to me to ask them
questions like where am I, where am I going, what will happen to me, am I
dead? They didn't talk to me either.
A halo of light
surrounded me into itself. My life and all of its events started to play
in my mind, but it was very clear, real, and alive. It was like a
slideshow, but I experienced all the feelings in these events again.
Everything was shown in chronological order. Although this whole life
review only took minutes, it was pleasant and interesting to me. Once my
life review stopped, my mind started to analyze my life and my actions.
I felt that overall, I was relatively kind to people.
that, I felt freedom. The halo of light left me and I felt like I have
to return to the physical life. I was trying to avoid this from
happening because I was experiencing new and pleasant things. But I
automatically left that environment and moved into a grayish-blue
environment and was put into a supine position and slowly, with no
effort, returned back into the ambulance. The ambulance entered the
hospital and they transferred my body into the intensive care unit. My
floating Being could easily pass through the walls. It was like as I got
close to a wall, it would go away. I could not feel any physical thing
or barrier. I knew I was moving, yet I could not feel the motion. I
entered the operating room, positioned somewhere close to the ceiling.
Doctors and nurses were surrounding my body, but no one noticed me up by
the ceiling. They were massaging my chest area. A nurse inserted a tube
into my throat and used that to give me breathing. Another doctor
injected something in my body. But my body was not responding. I heard a
doctor shout, ‘code pink!’
Right then, as I was floating in the
air, I passed through something fixed and light, which I felt from my
side. An immense feeling of loneliness, depression, and fear engulfed
me. I knew that my communication with others was cut off and I could not
speak to people. I felt if I don't enter my body again, I would die
forever. I was sad for my family and friends and how they would feel
after my death. I could imagine and feel their feelings. On the other
hand, there were important works I needed to finish and I thought I am
too young to die. Nevertheless, I wanted to stay in this pleasant
non-physical environment. I felt I need to decide quickly whether to
stay in my body or outside of it. I felt that I cannot stay outside for
too long or I would die permanently. So I decided to return.
all this time the medical staff were trying hard to save me. Several
times, they gave me an electric shock, but I didn't feel anything.
However, I felt I am getting heavier and being pulled down towards my
body. It was like their effort was working. When they shocked me again
after several times, my body jumped up. I felt I entered my body like a
solid object, with a jerk. I felt I am inside my body and heard the
nurse shout, "Wow, it worked!"
When I was entering my body, I
heard a whistle and felt I am in an open and dark space that is like a
funnel and am entering my body from the head. After I entered my body, I
felt lots of intense pain. I think I was out for 15 to 20 minutes. For
several days, I was not in the natural state. When I healed a little
bit, my doctor told me, "You passed a critical state." I said that I
know and told him my entire experience from the beginning to the end. He
was amazed and speechless.
Since that experience, my mind and
soul is more important for me than my body. Some say that I have a
healing effect on them. Now I feel I get along better with people and
have more tolerance for them. I can better understand their feelings and
what is going on inside them. This experience has changed my life and
my thinking. I am no longer afraid of dying, as I have experienced it
From Gonbade Kavoos, Iran -Winter of 1996, NDE #16074
Sunday, June 27, 2021
I hope Gabriel's trumpet might blow me home
“Slave Songs of the United States” by Charles Pickard Ware, Lucy McKim Garrison,
and William Francis Allen, 1867.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Agnostic scientist, Nancy Rynes, visits Heaven
In January of 2014, I experienced some things
that promised to change my life forever. These experiences went from
horribly terrifying and painful, to profoundly beautiful and
soul-stirring; all within the space of a few days. On the morning of
January 3, 2014, while riding my bicycle here in town, I was struck
broadside by a truck. My injuries were so severe that I am still in
recovery from some of them. By all accounts of the doctors who treated
me, I shouldn't have lived. 'Most people die from injuries like yours,'
my surgeon and primary care physician insist. They were right. I
shouldn't have lived. In fact, I came very close to death twice during
those first few days. During those brushes with death, I had two
Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) that promised to change the way I look at
life, the way I experience life, and the way I feel about the concepts
of God and Spirit.
My first near-death experience happened when the truck initially
struck me. In human time, this NDE lasted just a few minutes. As I was
struck, I realized that my consciousness was in two places
simultaneously. One part, very scared and animal-like, was firmly inside
of my broken body that was stuck on the vehicle's axle and being
dragged under the truck. The other part, a very calm, dispassionate
observer, hovered out in front of the truck and off to the south,
watching the whole scene unfold from a distance. This dual
consciousness seemed quite normal to the observer part of me. The
observer was calm about the whole thing, and I remember the feeling that
this was all happening for a reason, that there was nothing to fear.
The observer: me, watched as witnesses stopped, called for help, and as
the paramedics arrived. When the paramedics started working on me, my
two selves came back together. Once I was stabilized enough to move,
they transported me to the nearest trauma hospital. It turned out that
my head and spinal injuries were so severe that I'd need surgery. My
lower spine would need reconstruction, but only after the bleeding in my
brain stabilized. In the meantime, the trauma team admitted me to the
intensive care unit (ICU). I pondered that initial split-consciousness
experience for a few days in ICU while I awaited surgery. I had no
explanation for being in two places at the same time, or for
experiencing the accident from two different vantage points at once. In
my scientific mind, I didn't know how consciousness could split apart
with one part of me traveling outside of the body. Finally, I dismissed
it as just an oddity of the crash and almost dying. It wasn't important,
and it most certainly wasn't 'real.' Or so I thought.
because the first experience wasn't enough to get me thinking about
spiritual matters, three days later during surgery, I was pulled right
into the thick of things. I had another NDE but this one was different.
Instead of simply experiencing events unfold from outside of my body, my
consciousness was ultimately brought to a place unlike anything I have
ever experienced. The beauty and utter peace of the Place defies human
words. I felt totally calm, loved, and whole. I also felt a deep,
profound sense of LOVE permeating everything there. It was big love, as
if the structure of this place was somehow made of love. Love was
everywhere because there was nowhere that wasn't love. I can't explain
it any further than that. I, already, never wanted to leave this Place.
One woman greeted me. Although she said it was a form that 'she' took
at that time to make it easy for me to relate to her. She was a
stranger to me, although I was somehow not a stranger to her. She moved
with me throughout the landscape, telling me things that I and the rest
of the world needed to remember; things we'd forgotten or perhaps never
learned. These things were reminders that would help us live a
beautiful life on Earth. She said she was a spokesperson for everyone in
Somehow, she was a conduit for the information I was
being given because if I met and communicated with everyone who wanted
to speak with me, I would be overwhelmed. It felt as though we were
together for days, even weeks. The amount of information she passed on
to me was staggering. I am still processing it. But eventually she
insisted it was time for me to go back to my life. The thought of that
made me weep like a child. I didn't want to go back: Not now, not ever.
This Place was too beautiful and loving for me to want to leave. But
she insisted that I had a life to live. It wasn't time for me to be here
for good. I argued up and down and even yelled a few times. Can you
imagine, arguing with a Being such as this? But I did. I argued and
cried. I insisted I didn't want to go back to a broken body and all of
the repercussions from this experience that awaited me. She watched me
with what I felt was sadness, but she insisted that it was my time to go
back. As I opened my mouth to argue again, I was back in the surgical
recovery room. I was confused, weeping, and already missing that Place
and the Being who I'd met there. No: I am no longer an atheist or
agnostic, (although, at this point I don't want to put a label on what I
am). I did have the good fortune to be shown Spirit in a way that made
me realize that I can no longer deny It for myself. These experiences
have opened my heart to all peoples, all faiths, and all beliefs in a
way that I would not have thought possible. I will share a small bit of
the first thing she taught me. We are primarily here to Love: to
practice Love, to show Love, to experience Love. Hate is not the
language of Spirit, nor is fear. Love is. It is a Love that has no
conditions or strings attached. It is simply Love in all of its forms.
was asked to share this with as many people as possible, so that is
what I intend to do. That's what I promised, after all. I am not sure
yet how I will get out the information. I think telling on a blog is a
good start, but I expect that some larger form of publication will be in
the works too. Yes, this is all real. No, I didn't make up or
embellish any of it. I understand that some of you will think I'm crazy
or hallucinating. Some of you may find any explanation to deny my
experiences because they feel uncomfortable to you. Some people I have
known for years may choose to distance themselves from me. This could
cost me much. I was an agnostic scientist until just a couple of months
ago, after all. But this is me and my life now. I trust that telling
my story and all that follows will help more than it hurts; that it
gives people hope, and that it brings people together. It may be that
telling the story brings new people or opportunities into my life as
well. All is as it should be. While my time on the Other Side (aka,
'Heaven') was brief in human terms, when I was there it felt as if weeks
or months were passing. I observed an amazing amount in, at most, a
couple of human hours.
The first wonderful thing that I
experienced was the beauty of Heaven, both visually and in a
feeling-sense. When I was there, a landscape of gently rolling hills
surrounded me. Flower-filled grassy meadows spread out on the hills
around me. There were huge, deciduous trees in full leaf. The trees
were larger and grander than any here on Earth and surrounded the
meadows. There was the barest sense of a light mist, as if it were a
humid summer morning clung to the tops of the trees. The sky showed a
very light blue, similar to what you might see at the ocean's shore,
with wispy clouds and a very bright but somewhat diffuse golden light.
That was the visual. But there is more to Heaven than what we can see
with our eyes. Below the surface visuals was a well of feeling fueled by
love, peace, and an abiding Presence that I will call Spirit or God.
Through the landscape around me I sensed a profound feeling of peace,
brightness, goodness, and love. The Beauty I felt really does deserve a
capital B. It wasn't just pleasing to the eye: there was something
deeper to it, more harmonious, more blessed, and more powerful.
felt tied together by love and peace, and the beauty of the scenes
around me was the product of this unconditional love. While the beauty
of Heaven took my breath away, the sense of love completely ensnared me
and made me want to stay there forever. I felt a deep sense of that
love flowing through all things around me: the air, the ground below my
feet, the trees, the clouds, and me. I felt the love flowing around me,
flowing through me, and eventually capturing me by the heart. I felt
supported by a loving Presence so powerful, yet so gentle, that I cried
again. I had never experienced such unconditional love and acceptance in
all of my years on the planet. It felt as though this place were built
from love and peace on a very grand, cosmic scale. What I realized,
and was later told by my Guide, was that love formed the structure or
underpinnings of Heaven.
Each soul might see the 'landscape'
differently, but all sensed and 'saw' the love that formed the basis for
everything in the same way. That love and peace seemed to shimmer as
glimmers of light beneath the surface, winking in and out of visual
sight. It had colors and sparkle and texture. It seemed to take the form
of what I saw, like trees, a meadow, but at the same time it was also
separate from the forms themselves. The closest I can come to
explaining what Heaven 'looked' like to my feeling-senses is to point
you to the work of artist Ken Elliott. His paintings come closest to
capturing what I felt underlying the landscape Over There. I'll share
two pieces with you here with his permission, but please check out his
website (www.KenElliott.com) for more examples. 'Soft Blue Progression,'
comes closest to showing you what the visuals looked like for me as
well. 'Yellow Wall,' as well as Ken's other paintings, gives a sense of
the energy or vibration of LOVE and PEACE that build everything There.
NDERF.org, #7674
Nancy Rynes, author of Awakenings from the Light: 12 Life Lessons from a Near Death Experience
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