Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Shot in the head, sees bright light above him

It was a hot August day, a couple of weeks before school started. I was starting 5th grade at a new Catholic school. My friend at the end of our dead-end dirt road had just been given a pellet rifle for his birthday. He wanted my brothers and I to come see it, but my father had us helping him while he remodeled our furnace room with drywall. We would hand him nails while he hammered on the ladder. I had 4 brothers at the time and each of us took turns running down to our friend's house to see him shoot his gun. It was my turn to go. Then my identical twin brother would go next.

When I got to my friend's house, he was shooting at blue jays in the tree across the field. We were standing on a covered deck and he decided he wanted to play draw. I had a toy pistol and he had the rifle with the safety on. A few minutes later, he took the safety off to shoot at the birds again. He forgot to put the safety lever back on when he turned, aimed the gun at me and said, 'right between the eyes' as he pulled the trigger.

Everything went black. Then I saw bright light above me and I headed towards it. I heard noise below me and realized I was on top of the ceiling of the deck. I turned to look down and saw my body lying on the deck. Then my friend's grandfather walked out and exclaimed, 'Look what you did! You killed him!'

My friend let out a saddened, scared moan and ran off to hide in the creek by the house. I did not think I was dead. I floated back into my body instantly. I said, 'I think the bullet bounced off'. He said he was glad to hear that. Not about the bullet but the fact that I wasn't dead.

I had heard my glasses hitting the deck as I fell. I wore thick frame glasses to correct my vision and my twin did not. The doctors said that is what saved the bullet from going too deep into my brain. It had gone through the frames, through my eye socket, scraped my retina and lodged about an inch into my brain. My friend's grandfather called for an ambulance and it seemed to take a long time. I felt the broken glass from my lens up against my eye. I was afraid to open my eyes because I didn't want to damage them. I felt the dried blood on my face as they brought me on a stretcher down to the ambulance.

They patched me up as best they could and referred me to a hospital where they would perform surgery that night. 

NDERF.org 9256

Monday, October 11, 2021

I felt like I belonged there.

The Cardiologist was trying to move a stent that didn't need to be moved and  punctured my heart. I don’t remember much else on earth until I start to woke up in the ICU. The doctors told my family that they would know in twenty-four hours if I live or die.

I do, however, remember what happened when I was out of my body. I saw people dressed in white. I was in a peaceful place and surrounded by green grass with beautiful flowers. To go further, I would need to go through a gate. 

I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will. But I was told three times while trying to cross it that it was not my time and I had to go back. I didn’t want to come back though. I felt like I belonged there

When I get ready to go to sleep, I always have a vision of that day. But I’m not afraid.  

NDERF.org #9239

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Childhood experience confirmed by meditation

When I was a child, I went to a snack shop to buy some goodies across the street and was hit by a car.

I was floating in the air as I looked down on my body. I saw people gradually gathering around me. Then I shifted my gaze and looked at my bedroom on the second-floor to the right. I saw my grandmother running down the stairs in panic. I was watching each of her steps clearly while she was running down the stairs. Afterwards, the memories were all broken in pieces. But the time when I was floating above myself was very vivid. I could recalled it at any time, as if I was playing a movie.

Later, I was hit by a car twice in the same location. Luckily, I only had bruises on my body. After the accidents, I read a lot of materials related to the near-death experience. Some of the common themes included entering into the tunnel of light, watching a life review, meeting God or Buddha, and seeing deceased loved ones. However, I emphasize that at first, I did not see the Light. I was a child in grade school. From the material I read, I would see what I believed in. Lastly, I didn't know any relatives who passed away because I was a young child. Maybe there is heaven and maybe I have been there, but I really don't have any memory of heaven.

Two months ago, I was meditating to a point that I was so relaxed to let go. I saw myself come to a huge palace. My body was light, without any weight, as I floated in the air. The ground was golden yellow. When I looked up at the palace, it was towering into the clouds like the Greek white pillars. Then I saw a large library, which was also towering into the sky. The whole experience was short, only a few seconds. I just thought it might have been my own fantasy, but then I read an autobiography of a famous American medium who used her abilities to help patients go back to their past lives and alleviate their pain. There is a chapter about the experience of going to heaven. The description is exactly the same as what I saw. The book says the place is called the 'Temple of Wisdom,' but there is no description of the library. Later, I read the library in heaven mentioned in another post on the internet. I just want to write down my personal experience and share them with the people on this forum. I currently do not have any religious beliefs. 

NDERF.org #16122

Friday, October 8, 2021

The light was my salvation

I suffered a pulmonary embolism. Time stood still. The doctors and nurses trying to save my life seemed familiar; as if they had been longtime friends. 

During my unconsciousness, I had many questions answered in a strange way. I didn't see a tunnel. There was a light that seemed to vibrate and emit a kind of sound. I can't explain this, but the light took my fear away. 

My lung miraculously recovered within 14 days. I believe that the light was my salvation. 

NDERF.org #9259


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Asked to choose between life or death

At approximately 19:00 I went into full toxic shock and was rushed to the ICU after I called the nurse, and with the last call, was able to tell her that I was losing consciousness. The nurse immediately reacted. Dr Z and her team had to fight to keep me alive. It was like a movie – people shouting your name while running with you on the gurney, almost being rude to keep you awake. Lights flashing past, doors banging open and shut… eventually arriving in the theatre and seeing Dr Z, asking her to please phone Karl to tell him what was happening. Her response was: 'I can’t phone him now; I am saving your life.'

I could hear the urgency in her voice; we’ve known each other for years and she is not the kind of person to easily panic. I knew better than to argue with her.

I could feel myself flailing, going in and out of consciousness. Suddenly everything went quiet (what a relief!), I couldn’t hear anyone anymore and I couldn’t see anything to do with my physical surroundings. The pain and sickliness were gone, nothing hurt anymore.

I became aware of a Presence by my right shoulder, slightly towards the back, just out of view. In front of me was a soft pink glow, surrounded by even-softer green light. I was curious to see what it was, but I was asked by the Presence what I wanted to do: did I want to leave (earth) or did I want to stay (with my family on earth).

No words were spoken, it was just like an understanding; comprehending intelligence on another level. I didn’t want to be rude and not reply but I got a very strong feeling that if I didn’t choose soon, it would be too late. I thought about my two daughters (then aged 3 and 4 weeks) and my husband and decided to stay with them.

As soon as I made that decision, I started hearing everything again, feeling how sick my body was… Dr Z was standing to my right and demanded that I lie completely still – she had to insert a central venous catheter (CVP line) just below my clavicle – there’s a main artery that runs straight into the heart and this was our last resort – no anesthetic. A specialist was holding my left arm and a nurse was holding my right arm; if I moved Dr Z might punch a hole in my lung and then we have another problem. So I lay as still as I could and felt how the thick pipe wormed its way through my chest – straight into my heart. The next moment Dr Z released all the connections on the line and a rush of intravenous medicines pumped through my body. That felt quite good.

I was finally stabilizing but kept in the ICU.  

NDERF.org #9281

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

In car crash saw bright light and had life review

On 4/9/1979, I was 19 years old. My friend and I drove to Las Vegas from California to see Alice Cooper in concert. On the way home we were both drunk and stoned. We were getting on the freeway when the driver turn the wheel too sharply, causing us to roll down an embankment that was over 40 ft tall. The car rolled over at least 5 times. Back in 1979 there were no seat belts in the car. The car door opened, and I flew out of the car. My back was broken in three places.

I blacked out when we started to roll down the embankment. I remember walking towards a bright light. I saw my life review which was so peaceful. All of a sudden, I heard a voice saying that it was not my time. I felt as if I was on cloud 9, so when I got back into my body, I woke up and yelled for my friend. He did not answer, so I thought he died. When my soul came back into my body, I felt complete numbness from my waist down.

At the time, I did not know I broke my back. It was about 1:00am and about 10 minutes after I woke up, I saw red lights coming for me down the cliff. Since there were no cellphones back then, I have no idea who called them and how they find me. I never believed in the afterlife at age 19, but after what I experience, I truly know now that there is a heaven after seeing my life review and felt so at peaceful and warm. 

NDERF.org #9262

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Spoke with Jesus during her NDE

I remember when going under for open heart surgery. I saw the doctors working on me and then losing me. My soul went into a white tunnel as I was guided by angels. There were SO many beautiful and BRIGHT colors that we don’t have on Earth. I remember being welcomed and having an overwhelming sense of comfort and Happiness. Everything was perfect. We didn't need to breathe, eat or sleep. There was no pain. All I needed to do was to be in the moment with a higher being. I met Jesus and he spoke to me. I asked him if I could stay because I felt so happy and loved being in that perfect place. He told me that it wasn’t my time yet; that I had a purpose. I begged and asked to stay. I told him that the world was evil and cruel. Again, he told me 'not yet'. I made it back to myself and woke up intubated. 

NDERF.org #9267

Gödel's reasons for an afterlife

Alexander T. Englert, “We'll meet again,” Aeon , Jan 2, 2024, https://aeon.co/essays/kurt-godel-his-mother-and-the-a...