Sunday, October 17, 2021

"I was truly one with all of creation."

I remember going into the operating room and then I felt myself swimming upward in something that was heavier than air but lighter than water. I was met by a magnificent female-type being that scooped me up in her arms as though I were an infant.

She took me, placed me in a crystal-like bed, and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings queuing up to greet me. I spied Jesus amongst them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being that brought me, 'How is it that Jesus wants to honor me?' I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. She laughed and told me there is no hell! We are all equal in spirit form. She then said that I was still veiled and made a gesture that must have taken off the veil because I immediately went to a place I now call the sea of light. As I stretched out my arms I felt as though my body exploded and I was no longer in bodily form. I could not see any separation. I had no beginning or end. I was truly one with all of creation and I could only see myself as a purple and gold light amongst all the other.

The being that brought me told me it was time to go back. I cried and begged her to let me stay, but she told me I had unfinished business. She took me in her hands and somehow I was compressed into a golden egg and when I saw my physical body, she placed the egg on my chest and it sank into my body.

I heard someone say something about me breathing and the next thing I remember is my family visiting me in my room in the hospital.

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes The brightness was not just seen with my physical eyes I could feel it. The light penetrated my whole being.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm I saw the radiant sea of light we call God and I swam in it as one with God.

What was your religion prior to your experience? Christian- Protestant Attended Catholic school in Holland went to Protestant services on Sundays. Moved to US in 1962 attended several churches, including Science of Mind now called creative living centers. My parents believed in the supernatural and I was born with a cord around my neck. From the time I could talk I spoke of seeing deceased relatives and sometimes predict future events. I believed in heaven and hell, the devil and all that nonsense. I know now there is no hell, and God is not a super sized parent but unconditional love. I have seen God and it is a part of me I am not a separate entity. We are all connected and we are all part of that loving spirit we call God. #7291

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Deceased father sends her back to a new life

I lost my father on June 19, 2021. My father was everything to me because I lost my mother when I was 5 years old. I was feeling the greatest pain and despair of my life after I lost him.

July 3, 2021, my husband and I had an argument. I felt that I was tired of living and it was time to do something about it. I took more than 10 pills that would accomplish my goal. My husband forced me to drink a lot of milk to try to make me vomit. At that moment, I felt calm. So, I decided to shower. I started to feel a cold sweat and that my heart wanted to leave my chest. I could not stop talking. Then, I again felt a huge despair and started heavily sweating despite the air conditioning being on. Hours passed as I continued to feel that way. I just thought that the milk had prevented the worst of what those pills could do and that I was feeling the effects of a hangover.

Later that night, we got ready to sleep. I felt my body going numb and I couldn't move. It started in my legs, then it went to my hands. I felt like my eyes were being emptied from the inside. I was trying hard to keep my eyes open, but this was very difficult. I felt my chest tighten every time I tried to breathe. Even my tongue was numb. I was able to tell my husband what was happening to me. He insisted on taking me to the hospital. I felt scared and at the same time, I was at peace with myself. I managed to say goodbye to him and that I loved him very much. I asked him to please take good care of my daughter. I was so afraid for her and kept thinking about her little face.

I saw something white and a lot of light, but thinking about my daughter made me open my eyes again. I saw myself on the bed, next to my husband. I was alive but could also feel the moment when my heart was not beating. I told him, 'I'm going to die.'

It was as if a heavy object had been placed on my eyelids. Although I tried to open my eyes like previously, this time I did not succeed.

I began to see a round, very long, and completely white tunnel. I did not see a light at the end. I looked desperately around me. I wanted to see my husband again and I could only see the face of my 7 year-old daughter. I did not want to find her in such an empty and sad place. I only thought of her and apologized for having given up.

Finally I reached the end of the tunnel. There was a precipice that emptied in the sky. I knew if I left the tunnel, that I would enter heaven. My dad appeared out of nowhere and kissed my forehead. He pushed very hard against my chest. At that moment, I felt my husband's voice desperately screaming at me to wake up. I pretended they were giving me an electroshock. I only remember that I touched it and squeezed it because I did not believe what had happened to me. I told my husband, 'I am here with you. Do you see me?' He started crying and told me that I had stopped breathing and my eyes were blank. He also said that I was very cold.

My body went into shock and with great fear and nervousness, I tried to understand what had happened to me. I then understood that I had died in the arms of my husband and that my father had sent me back to his arms. I was safe and sound, ready to love life enjoy living. At that moment, I no longer remembered anything bad in my life. I don't feel that I am the same person inside my body. Another person was born today, July 4th 2021. I don't remember anything about my previous personality and I feel an indescribable peace. # 9234

Friday, October 15, 2021

In NDE speaks to grandmother who raised her

When the doctor told me I was dying. I knew I was terribly sick but the news made me emotionally freeze, followed by fear. My loved ones came to my hospital bedside and said their final goodbyes. My pastor said a final prayer for me. Everyone was leaving my room. My son looked back and said, 'Goodbye mommy, I'll come back to see you tomorrow to brush your hair.' This was so heart wrenching. In my thoughts, I cried out to God to please help me because I did not want to die. I could not stay awake any longer.

Next, I was above my body. I knew that I was dead. It was dark in the room, but I could see light. I was fearful at first, but the closer I got to the light. my feelings started changing. All fear and negativity disappeared. I did not walk into the light, yet it felt like I was being pulled into it; it was like being slowly sucked into the light. This light was so bright, yet it wasn't blinding and it didn't hurt my eyes. The light was soft and comfortable but brighter than looking at the sun.

When I reached the brightest point, I was no longer moving. I was at peace. I felt so many positive and wonderful feelings, such as calmness, peace, joy, love, and trust. In that moment, my experience was orders of magnitude better than any kind of earthly experience. For instance, I consider a mother's joy and love felt from the birth of her child is the best earthly feeling. But this experience makes that appear like a drop of water compared to a vast sea or ocean of this experience. There was no other place I wanted to be.

I could see a white, shadowy, female figure. I heard a voice, but the Male voice did not come from this figure. I was told to go back, all is well. The voice wasn't heard with my ears, but with my mind. I wanted go get closer to them, but couldn't. I knew that this was the boundary. When I refused to come back, the white, shadowy figure came closer to me. I knew this was my grandmother who raised me. She was bathed in soft, bright white light. It looked like cottony-soft clouds, unlike wearing clothes. She told me that it wasn't my time and that I had to return. She didn't say why, but I knew it was because my work on earth wasn't done. My children needed me. This knowledge didn't come from me, it was given to me in that moment. Yet still, I did not want to return.

In one quick movement, I was back in my body. The light was gone, and I woke up in my hospital room as I gasped for air. #9218

Thursday, October 14, 2021

"The afterlife is real and God loves us."

During a suicide attempt, I jumped out of a moving car and landed head first on the ground. Then, I was in another state of consciousness. God spoke to me and told me that he and the angels were real, they loved us, and they are a gift from him. God gave me the greatest hug I have ever had. 

After realizing that I had yanked myself out of my body, I went midair and saw my guardian angels on each side. They were about 8 feet 6 inches in height and the wings were about 5 to 6 feet across. They told me how many people I need to help back on earth and to look down at my body being looked at by paramedics. That's when I realized that the afterlife is real and God loves us. God told me before I go back to tell everyone that he loves them. It's that easy. Also, God said he is long suffering and will go to the end of the earth so we can be with him. I my angels told me that I would go back to earth and they were really happy that I chose to go back and do the work that was assigned to me.  

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? An unusually bright light.

Did you see an Unearthly light? Yes it was more like a cloud of light. 

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal. It is hard to explain. All I can say is the feeling is like getting high and every emotion and the eyes are perfect. Everything I saw was more enhanced on the other side.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? When God spoke to me. I felt his love and power.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Incredibly fast.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning time does not exist.

Were your senses More vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid.

What is your religion now? Unaffiliated- Nothing in particular- Religious unaffiliated. I am not fond of religion because it confuses the masses regarding which one is the right one. I found out during my NDE that love is the key. #8449

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

After NDE affirms, "I am going to serve the Lord"

I flatlined for the 12 minutes that I left my body. I was hovering about 3 feet above my bed and looking at my body.

My wife sitting beside the left side of my bed. A beautiful blue, shimmering light appeared in between us. The blue light communicated with me a profound and powerful sense of love. I quickly ascertained that I was in the presence of the creator of the universe and in the presence of the holy spirit. Initially, I thought it might be God himself, but then realized that God is a person not a blue, shimmering light. After a few minutes, the whole scene just dissipated.

My next conscious thought was 17 days later, when they decided that I was now able to breath on my own.

I was Christian-protestant before this experience. I thought I was a Christian but was not born again. I just went to church.

A few minutes after coming out of my induced coma and waking up, I look to my right and my wife was sitting there holding my hand. The first words out of my mouth were, 'I am going to serve the Lord the rest of my life.' I have no idea where that statement came from. It just came out.

I vividly remember my experience, but I have no recollection of visiting with my sons who came to visit me in the hospital. The experience has had a large impact on my life and I have spent every waking moment since that time serving the Lord. #9220 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Shot in the head, sees bright light above him

It was a hot August day, a couple of weeks before school started. I was starting 5th grade at a new Catholic school. My friend at the end of our dead-end dirt road had just been given a pellet rifle for his birthday. He wanted my brothers and I to come see it, but my father had us helping him while he remodeled our furnace room with drywall. We would hand him nails while he hammered on the ladder. I had 4 brothers at the time and each of us took turns running down to our friend's house to see him shoot his gun. It was my turn to go. Then my identical twin brother would go next.

When I got to my friend's house, he was shooting at blue jays in the tree across the field. We were standing on a covered deck and he decided he wanted to play draw. I had a toy pistol and he had the rifle with the safety on. A few minutes later, he took the safety off to shoot at the birds again. He forgot to put the safety lever back on when he turned, aimed the gun at me and said, 'right between the eyes' as he pulled the trigger.

Everything went black. Then I saw bright light above me and I headed towards it. I heard noise below me and realized I was on top of the ceiling of the deck. I turned to look down and saw my body lying on the deck. Then my friend's grandfather walked out and exclaimed, 'Look what you did! You killed him!'

My friend let out a saddened, scared moan and ran off to hide in the creek by the house. I did not think I was dead. I floated back into my body instantly. I said, 'I think the bullet bounced off'. He said he was glad to hear that. Not about the bullet but the fact that I wasn't dead.

I had heard my glasses hitting the deck as I fell. I wore thick frame glasses to correct my vision and my twin did not. The doctors said that is what saved the bullet from going too deep into my brain. It had gone through the frames, through my eye socket, scraped my retina and lodged about an inch into my brain. My friend's grandfather called for an ambulance and it seemed to take a long time. I felt the broken glass from my lens up against my eye. I was afraid to open my eyes because I didn't want to damage them. I felt the dried blood on my face as they brought me on a stretcher down to the ambulance.

They patched me up as best they could and referred me to a hospital where they would perform surgery that night. 9256

Monday, October 11, 2021

I felt like I belonged there.

The Cardiologist was trying to move a stent that didn't need to be moved and  punctured my heart. I don’t remember much else on earth until I start to woke up in the ICU. The doctors told my family that they would know in twenty-four hours if I live or die.

I do, however, remember what happened when I was out of my body. I saw people dressed in white. I was in a peaceful place and surrounded by green grass with beautiful flowers. To go further, I would need to go through a gate. 

I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will. But I was told three times while trying to cross it that it was not my time and I had to go back. I didn’t want to come back though. I felt like I belonged there

When I get ready to go to sleep, I always have a vision of that day. But I’m not afraid. #9239

Gödel's reasons for an afterlife

Alexander T. Englert, “We'll meet again,” Aeon , Jan 2, 2024,